Saturday, October 11, 2008

McCain Ad : "Folks"

The Honest Politician Analysis : In 2007 the National Journal(a nonpartisan Washington-based newspaper) ranked Obama the most liberal senator on Jan. 31, 2008. Obama however missed one-third of the 99 votes the Journal used in its 2007 ranking; his campaign for president already was in full swing that year. The Journal ranked Obama the 16th-most liberal for his votes in 2005 and the 10th-most liberal in 2006. Meanwhile, McCain was not ranked in 2007 because the National Journal said he missed too many votes to make his ranking meaningful. Also when the ad used the quote "They're not telling the truth", it was not directed to the National Journal, but to a Mccain/Palin ad. This one of course will fall in the same category as not true - false - not even misleading. Expect this for another 26 days from the McCain camp.

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